Overcoming Financial Wellness Obstacles

When it comes to achieving financial wellness, you may face obstacles: lack of direction, too much debt, and having no emergency cash fund.

Why are these problematic?


1.) No emergency fund:  Without an inadequate emergency cash fund, unplanned expenses can deduct from your long-term savings or force you to take on excessive debt.

2.) Not setting clear priorities: Not setting clear priorities can result in lack of direction.

3.) Overwhelming debt:  Too much debt can overwhelm your ability to save.

What steps can you do to achieve financial wellness?
  1. Have a Plan
  2. Manage Debt
  3. Create an emergency fund
  4. Save for Retirement
  5. Maintain Excellent Credit

Awareness is the best preventative measure. Although your journey in achieving financial wellness may include some obstacles, with time and consistency, and following our weekly tips, financial wellness is completely attainable!


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