The Bonding Between Mother and Son

Mother’s have a world of love for all her children and her presence deeply affects the life of her child. She is the first woman in the life of every child and her place cannot be replaced by anyone else. Though mothers shower the same kind of affection on both son and daughter, it is widely noticed that daughters are more close to their dad, while sons are close with their mothers. The love of a mother always helps a son to stay balanced and strong throughout his life. Where a father teaches him to be strong and fight with the world, his mother tells him the way of living and how to think from the heart.


The test of a mother son relationship comes when another woman enters the life of the son, as a girlfriend or wife. It is at this time that the mother starts feeling really insecure and the relationship is put to test. At this time, the mother should understand that her son has a personal life and not interfere that. At the same time, the son should also assure his mother by saying that she is and will always be the best and no one can take her place. Mothers need to learn to stop holding to their sons and let them go when it is time.



The relationship of a mother and son is delicate and it should always be maintained properly. A son should never take his mother’s love for granted, and at the same time the mother should also understand. Communication is an important key that should always be there in any relationship. For every son, his mother is the best secret sharer. You must ensure that you live up to his expectations so that he always looks up to you as the best person in his life to share all his secrets.


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