Tips for Balancing Work and School

With the continuous rising cost of living and other expenses, most students must find ways to earn an income while studying. Combining an education and work can be a tough balancing act, and certainly a challenge. Unfortunately we don’t all have the luxury of an education that paid for us, so the best thing that you can do is  know your priorities.

Organizational Ideas for College Students

If you have a full load of classes and a part-time job, you will surely find it hard to study. Try out a few of the following guidelines:

Goals – Determine what your goals are, then work toward them. Whether you have a short or long-term goal, make sure that you find ways to reach that goal based on your timeframe.

Time Management – Set appointed study time. Don’t forget to allow yourself enough time every morning to shower, collect your thoughts and get your materials together. Effective time management is a perfect way to reduce stress.

Clutter Control – Never allow clutter to build. Make sure that you create separate folders for every class. Keep everything in the same place each day so that you don’t have to rush around looking for essential items. Throw anything away that you no longer need and keep your desk clean.

Personal Planner – Don’t forget to write down your daily assignments and work schedule. A personal planner gives you room to write your plans out through an entire month or even for a whole year.

Study Refuge – It is advised that you create a comfortable and well-lit spot in your room that is ideal for your study time. This space should help you to fully focus your attention while studying.

 If you’re having difficulty understanding a particular subject, seek help from your professors or a tutor. Never let those difficult assignments take over your desk. In addition, always be kind to yourself. Though you have to balance your work and studies, you need to go out with friends after you finish tough tasks.


How to Manage Your Time Schedule?

There are only so many hours in a day so use them wisely:

Prepare a Term Calendar – At the beginning of a term, you need to prepare a term calendar. You can do this through recording your school assignments as well as scheduled tests and due dates. You also need to record your known out-of-school activities and planned school activities.

Prepare a Weekly Schedule – Every Sunday, you need to make a weekly schedule. Do this through recording your regular classes, entering things to be done for the succeeding weeks, reviewing your class notes from the previous week and other related concerns.

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