Tips for Test Taking

Every college student desires to pass their respective exams and tests. But, with their busy schedule, some of them fail to study and they prefer to scan their notes a few minutes before the exam. If you do the same thing, you have a good chance of failing and getting poor remarks from your professors. Experts advise that it is best to study a few days before the exam. Then, during the examination day, all you need is to relax and think positively and you will be able to easily answer all the questions on the test papers.

For most individuals, relaxing before exams is completely hard to do because you never fail to think about what will happen during the examination. The extra stress affects your health and your grades as well. Steal a moment to take a deep breath and relax. Here are some tips to help you relax and ace that exam!

  1.  Prepare for the exam a night before it is scheduled – The earlier you start studying, the more at ease you will feel with the materials. As advised, you need to give yourself at least one or two weeks to review course material. You also need to stop cramming about an hour before the examination and thus, you can concentrate on relaxing instead.
  2.  Step away from desktop computers and books – Physical activity allows you to relax, concentrate your thoughts better, clear you head and keep your juices running. You also need to take daily breaks while studying and then take a short walk just before the examinations start.
  3. Breathe Deep – Deep breathing provides a simple method of reducing stress. All you have to do is to close your eyes, calm down your body, breathe in gradually through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You have to repeat these steps until you feel calm. This works while studying and just before the final examination.
  4. Visualize yourself in control during the exam – This type of technique helps you in lessening anxiety and prepares you for examinations. Spend a few minutes the night before and in the last minutes before your examinations doing visualizations.
  5. Rest well before your exam – Though you are quite worried what will happen during the examination, you need to stop thinking negative things. This can help in promoting a better sleeping habit. Getting adequate amounts of sleep will make you think clearly and help you to answer complex questions during the exam.
  6. Arrive early – When taking exams, make sure that you arrive early to the correct location so you will never feel rushed. This also provides you with time to practice a few relaxation exercises.

Above all, remember: it’s not the end of the world if you fail an exam. Just make sure you do your best next time and stay on top of assignments to keep your grades up.


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