How Important Is Your Dad?

Way back in the 1900s when Sonora Dodd thought of the concept of celebrating a Father’s Day to mark the special contributions made by the male parent. Earlier mothers were only considered as the sole nurturer of a child. But, with the changing times the importance of Fathers has also been identified and now they are also considered as really important as mothers when it comes to nurturing children.

If mothers are the most important ones when it comes to child bearing, then the fathers have an important role to play when it comes to the emotional and spiritual development of the child. The children are also dependent on their fathers for the development of their physical, financial and social well being.

The Father and daughter relationship is special and unique. Dads are the most important male in the life of a girl. Father is the most ideal male figure in her eyes. For girls, a Dad is the first man whom they adore. Whereas for the sons, Dads are the role models and the strongest figure that they aspire to be like.


Traditionally, fathers are considered as the primary provider of the family and the perfect guide for their children. In the case of a nuclear family, the scenario is much changed. These days most of the families have both mothers and fathers working. This makes it possible for theDads to be involved in the child nurturing jobs just like the Mothers. These days’ fathers don’t shy away from doing all the stuff like changing nappy pads for the babies and putting the baby to sleep.

This sudden change in the culture has further developed and provided much strength to the father and child relationship. The Dads also take much interest and get involved in the growing years of their kids. This also makes the bond much stronger.



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