Makeover Your Home Via Payroll Deduction

Now that the holidays are out of the way and you’ve put your entertaining skills to the ultimate test, you’ve found that your appliances and your furniture have also been put through the ringer, and could use a makeover for the new year…right?

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LutherSales gives you purchasing power to obtain furniture, bedding, appliances, TV’s computers, electronics and much more without depleting your savings or worrying about past credit issues.  LutherSales makes it easy to shop for the name brands you desire with the ease and convenience of government allotments, automatic debit or payroll deduction or substantial discounts for cash purchases. This ensures that your low monthly payments are never late.  Luthersales also allows you to choose the payment terms that best suits your budget, which gives you manageability over your finances.

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LutherSales offers you the largest selections and the name brands you know and trust.  We work hard to get new and exciting merchandise daily. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our weekly email blast and have access to special savings. Visit or call 1-800-358-6466 and speak with an account manager today. LutherSales invites you to Luxury Made Easy!

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