Overcoming Financial Wellness Obstacles

When it comes to achieving financial wellness, you may face obstacles: lack of direction, too much debt, and having no emergency cash fund. Why are these problematic?   1.) No emergency fund:  Without an inadequate emergency cash fund, unplanned expenses can deduct from your long-term savings or force you to take on excessive debt. 2.) Not setting…

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Pay Off Your Debts

It’s important when you’re paying bills to pay more than the minimum required or you will end up paying interest rates and in the end, spend more money. Any time you have extra money, put it towards paying off your bills. Tax returns, paycheck bonuses, gifts, etc., should go to paying off debt. The sooner you…

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Reduce Your Grocery Bill With This Simple Tip

When it comes to food shopping, small changes in the way you plan and shop can create big savings in your wallet. First, 1.) Prepare a weekly menu of what you would like to eat. 2.) Then make a list of ingredients you will need to prepare each meal. Grouping them by category (meats, fruits and vegetables, canned…

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Keep Cash On Hand

Most people don’t carry around cash nowadays, but this is why we should: when you have to review what you’re spending, each transaction brings your focus onto the amount and frequency of your spending. Try it out.  Be sure to “like” us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you’ll never miss out on ways to financially empower yourself! For…

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Consider Living On-Campus.

Financial Wellness Tip: College Edition The idea of trading dorm life for your own off-campus apartment sounds great—no curfews or RAs watching your every move, but there are more costs involved with living off campus than you probably realize. Besides paying rent, you will likely have utility bills and grocery expenses. You also might need to pay…

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Increase savings

Increase savings Saving should have the same importance as paying your bills. Put money in savings from each paycheck. If your company has an automatic savings program, contribute at least enough to qualify for matching funds, if possible. Put at least 10% of your income into savings, and as much as 25%. If this sounds too difficult, start with one…

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Control Debt

Once you know what you owe, make a plan to control debt with these 5 tips: Pay off credit cards with high interest rates first—then get rid of them. Pay as much as you can on your smallest debts and pay at least the minimum on large ones—even modest accomplishments can be great motivation. If…

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Tips On How You Can Regain Financial Control

Are you your biggest obstacle in regaining control of your finances and restoring your credit? Unexpected expenses are likely to come up in life. As they say, life happens. But if your spending based on emotion, like choosing a more expensive bedroom set than necessary or buying a brand new 70″ TV when your old…

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Make Your Money Count

Want to develop an accurate picture of the amount of money you will have in the future? Take a look back. Decide if your income will be the same or from different sources, and what will be the amount of income you can expect to earn in the future? The Income Worksheet Form will help you determine the amount…

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What Your Credit Report Says About You

Financial wellness can mean different things to different people. Some say it’s defined as the quality of a person’s financial wealth. For employers, financial wellness is a program designed to improve employees’ financial behavior which has also shown to have positive impact on employee production. For some, financial fitness is simply freedom. If you are like the…

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